


3rd MEET- 1-2 JUNE 2024





3rd Meet -  2nd JUNE 2024



Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy


Windsor Park Equestrian Club recognises the responsibilities placed upon it under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act and all subsequent legislation derived from it. Windsor Park Equestrian Club is committed to the health, safety and welfare of its employees, officials, volunteers, members, visitors, embers of the general public and those affected by its operations. It will do all that is reasonably practicable to minimise the risk of injury, accident and illness and protect the environment.


This will be achieved by:


  • Carrying out suitable and sufficient assessments of health and safety risks and putting in placed appropriate control measures.
  • providing and maintaining safe systems of work and safe handling, storage, maintenance and transport of articles and substances.
  • Ensuring sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision is provided throughout the Club to enable people to fulfil their duties without unnecessary risk to their own, their colleagues or other peoples health, safety and welfare.
  • Providing a safe working environment with adequate welfare facilities.
  • Providing and maintaining safe plant and equipment.
  • Ensuring all accommodation and materials used by the Club are safe and provided with a safe access and egress.
  • Co-operation with the relevant authorities such as the Crown Estates Office.
  • Compliance with the Club Health and Safety Policy and liaison with the Park via its Health and Safety management structure.
  • Requiring contractors to comply with safety standards, to provide information and not expose others to risks to their health and safety.
  • Requiring members to take reasonable care of their own health and safety and that of others.


    1. All riders and drivers must be members, or Day Members of the Club. All competitors must have third party liability insurance, either through an independent policy or membership of an appropriate association.
    2. Members entering their horses do so at their own risk and it is a condition of entry that they have acknowledged that no liability can be attached to the General Committee, the Crown Estate Commissioners, the Guards Polo Club, British Carriagedriving or their Committees or Members, save for the death or personal injury caused by the negligence of the organisers, or anyone for whom they are in law responsible for any accident, loss, damage, injury or illness to horses, owners, drivers, grooms, spectators or any other person or property whatsoever, whether caused by their negligence, breach of contract or in any other way whatsoever.
    3. Entries must be made on the official entry forms and cheques made payable to Windsor Park Equestrian Club. Entries are not accepted without the correct fee. Please see separate Rules for closing dates and late entry fees. Entries will not be acknowledged unless a stamped addressed envelope is enclosed.
    4. Entry forms for competitors under 18 years of age must be signed by a responsible adult, and these competitors must be accompanied by a responsible adult while on the showground.
    5. The General Committee reserves the right to vary conditions of classes, to include additional classes or cancel classes if they consider it to be in the interests of Members in general to do so. As much notice as possible will be given to Members of any such action.
    6. At all times DOGS MUST BE KEPT ON A LEAD when in or around a competition area. i.e. arenas, marathon course or obstacles. Competitors infringing this rule will be eliminated from the competition.
    7. Bicycles are only allowed on metalled roads, in accordance with Windsor Great Park Bye-Laws. Competitors infringing this rule will be eliminated from the competition.
    8. The General Committee reserves the right to refuse any entry and to return any entry money without explanation.
    9. The General Committee reserves the right to suspend, withdraw or cancel the membership of any member or owner who in the opinion of the General Committee has been guilty of any serious act of indiscipline towards any officer or official of the Club, or who has been found guilty of reckless riding or driving at any Meet.
    10. By participating in our events, you acknowledge and consent to the possibility of being photographed or filmed by various parties, including but not limited to our official photographers, sponsors, fellow competitors, spectators, members of the public, journalists, freelance photographers and paparazzi. These images may appear in digital media or print, as well as on private and commercial social media platforms. The club, along with its partners and sponsors, may use any photographs or videos in which you appear for the promotion of the Club and the sport of carriage driving without further notification. If you wish to opt out of being photographed by our official photographer, please contact us for the opt-out form. This must be completed and received by us at least 24 hours before the start of the competition.

    Important Note1 : If you are entering on behalf of an Under 18 you must seek approval by their parent /guardian before entering the competition.

    Important Note2: The club can only prevent you from being photographed or filmed by our official photographers; any other photography or filming is beyond our control.

    Making an entry deems acceptance of all rules and that you agree to abide with the above rules and our Health and Safety Policy





 The Emergency Telephone number for competition days only is 07783 349 167

To review discipline specific rules please download the year’s schedules and rules

WPEC considers itself very privileged to be able to welcome our competitors to our venue within the Deer Park. Some areas of the Deer Park are under Site of Special Scientific Interest conservation. It is important to us to maintain the integrity of the Park so there a few practicalities of management for everyone to remember and comply with.

There are wild deer within the park and the following rules are in place to protect the deer, the park environment, competitors, volunteers and spectators and the WPEC committee asks each competitor to respect the area and read and comply with the below rules, and their discipline specific rules.

Breaches of any rules set by WPEC, The Crown Estate (including their by-laws) or the disciplines governing bodies by anyone associated with a competitor, may result in that competitor’s disqualification from the event.


Riding and Driving

Hard hats must be worn when anyone is riding a horse or pony.

Hard hats and a body/back protector must be worn by anyone under 18 whilst on a carriage.

Please always be considerate to other competitors, both ridden and driven and all other park users, ride and drive in a safe manner


Competition Site Entrance

Our Entrance to the Deer Park is via the Windsor Great Park Open Air Car Park on the A332, Sheet Street Road. This car park is a public car park, please drive carefully and considerately and be aware of pedestrians, dogs and children while travelling through the car park to access our area. Our entrance gate is on the left hand side near the top of the car park. You will need to drive over Queen Anne’s ride to get to our gate, please be aware of pedestrians, cyclists, loose dogs, children and horse riders. Our gate must be closed securely after you have entered or exited our area as we are within the deer park and wild deer roam the area.


Deer Park Gate

If the gate is unstaffed DO ALL OF THESE ACTIONS when opening / closing the gate.
Before opening the Gate:
Check for loose dogs, loose deer, loose horses and people & children nearby.

1. When closing the gate, ensure BOTH drop bolts are lowered onto the ground
2. Ensure the slide bolt is engaged across the gates
3. If the chain can be hooked up, please do so

Do NOT leave the gate open for other users unless they are literally within “hand shaking” distance so the gates can be closed quickly.

The gates on the road and into the showground are locked at 9pm or dusk (whichever is earlier) and not reopened until 7am. Entry or exit to and from the showground during these times will not be possible, unless explicitly arranged prior to the event.
Parking and overnight stay
Dressage Competitors once in the deer park turn right and follow the track through the copse to the dressage competition area.
Carriage drivers turn left through the gate and park in as requested. Please do not park too close to the driven dressage arenas
Carriagedriving competitors are permitted to stay overnight during the event. For two day events competitors may stay from the Friday evening, for one day events, competitors are only permitted to stay on the Saturday night.
Please do not arrive before 2.30pm on the afternoon before the start of the competition.No officials, water or toilets are likely to be available before then. The gates may also be locked.
The gates on the road and into the showground are locked at 9pm or dusk (whichever is earlier) and not reopened until 7am. Entry or exit to and from the showground during these times will not be possible, unless explicitly arranged prior to the event.



Cars, Bicycles, and ATVs

Some parts of the Deer Park are Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and as such we are limited on the amount of vehicle movements. Any car entering the Deer Park and Showground is only permitted to travel to and from the designated lorry park. Cars are strictly prohibited from all other areas, including to and from the obstacles. The exception is officials’ vehicles when on WPEC duties.
It is The Crown Estate by-law of Windsor Great Park that no bicycles are allowed within the Deer Park or off road, however we have been granted special dispensation by the Deputy Ranger and Park Superintendent to let our competitors ride bicycles, quads or mules from the Lorry Park to and from the carriagedriving obstacles only.Speed should be no more than a walking speed. Anyone wishing to inspect the marathon course must do so on foot.

This agreement is on the proviso that the following are adhered to:

• Hard hats must be worn at all times by anyone riding on an ATV. Competitors using an ATV must hold a minimum of third party insurance cover and the vehicle must be road legal. Vehicles must not be ridden in such a way as to invalidate the insurance cover ie passengers can only be carried if the vehicle is designed to do so and has the correct number of seats.

• Competitor number bibs must be worn at all times when travelling on bicycle, quad or mule. This is to enable the Park Wardens to identify you as a WPEC Competitor and not a member of the general public. Anyone not displaying a number may be challenged by a Park Warden and made to walk back to the Lorry Park.

Please be aware that as we are on The Crown Estate property if a Park Warden spots anyone riding or driving motor vehicles or ATVs in an unsafe, dangerous or illegal way they have the right to remove you from the showground and you will be disqualified from the event.

COVID-19 Security

Please read our Health and Safety policy regarding our COVID-19 guidelines.